Collaboration scenarios

Intro | Version 1 | Version 2 | Viewer 1 | Collaboration

Revisiting the requirements, the first two have been met (with some fudging). But what about the others?


  1. Allow navigation by thumbnails
  2. Display text transcriptions alongside the canvas
  3. Render any hyperlinking annotations and allow my code to intercept them
  4. Highlight the text on the canvas when I select it in the text panel
  5. Display text transcriptions overlaying the canvas, as an option
  6. Show other content of the canvas, besides transcriptions (e.g., comments)
  7. Support multiple image annotations on the canvas
  8. Support oa:Choice

In this section I will take a look at requirements 3-8.


IIIF has great potential to encourage the extension of hyperlinking into the digital object. Often a digital object is presented in a black box - the viewer; the web stops at its borders and something else takes over, isolated and disconnected. IIIF makes the digital object and its parts, at any level of granularity, part of the web too. The markup of the web page gives way to a more specialised but in fact simpler markup: the IIIF Presentation model. That model is an assembly of web standards, we don't need to leave hyperlinks at the door.

Some examples of hyperlinking in IIIF:

A hyperlink in IIIF is just an annotation with the motivation linking. At its simplest it could be a link from a region of a canvas, to another manifest:

    "id": "",
    "type": "Annotation",
    "motivation": "linking",
    "label": "Click me",
    "body": {
        "id": "",
        "type": "Manifest"
    "target": ",1000,400,50"

Sometimes you might want to link from a region of one canvas in one work to a region of another canvas in another work. This needs a bit more information:

    "id": "",
    "type": "Annotation",
    "motivation": "linking",
    "body": {
        "id": ",300,400,400",
        "type": "Canvas",
        "partOf": {
            "id": "",
            "type": "Manifest"
    "target": {
        "id": ",1000,400,50",
        "type": "Canvas",
        "partOf": {
            "id": "",
            "type": "Manifest"

Neither the W3C or IIIF specifications describe what the user experience of such a link is. By default we could let the rendered linking annotation behave as a regular HTML hyperlink - allow the browser behaviour to take over - have CP render it as a hyperlink, or have a click on it produce the same result:

    location.href =;

That would work for some things but not others. Canvas Panel needs to be a bit cleverer than that. If the link is to another IIIF resource, or part of that resource, do we want to load that resource straight into Canvas Panel? Sometimes we might, but for a complex digital object in a viewer, that won't work; we're more likely to want to re-initialise our viewer with the new manifest and then navigate it to the correct location. In the Galway example the viewer shows an interstitial dialogue, alerting the user to the fact that they are navigating away from the current object, but also offering a preview of that object in-situ. In the Royal Academy example the links are like more conventional web links. They go to parts of web pages, not parts of IIIF resources.

The most flexible approach is for Canvas Panel to fire an event.

Event model for hyperlinking:

 <!-- The Canvas Panel Component -->
<div is="canvas-panel-2" id="cp2" class="canvaspanel"></div>

    cp2 = document.getElementById("cp2");
    cp2.canvas = myCanvas;
    // ... you've already given the CP component a canvas...
    // ... for later... consider the async behaviour of setting the canvas property of CP
    cp2.addEventListener("linkClick", doSomethingWithLinkingAnno);

The doSomethingWithLinkingAnno function can handle the click, whenever the user clicks an annotation. The event arguments include the linking annotation body (already mormalised to the W3C model) for the viewer code to process. If reproducing the Galway example, the viewer would use the information to overlay the modal dialog on top of Canvas Panel.

There is a problem with all this. Where did the hyperlinks come from? How did Canvas Panel get hold of them? In the viewer example we were talking about the textual content of canvases, and loading that lazily. But here we would have had to have loaded the annotation collections containing the hyperlinks as part of the initialisation of Canvas Panel. This suggests that Canvas Panel should start loading linked resources regardless, because it doesn't know what it's going to find or what we're going to ask it to do with them.

Maybe both modes need to be supported. After all, for a single canvas the actual size (i.e., in bytes) of linked annotation lists aren't likely to be very large. Smaller than a typical set of tile requests to show the actual content. And, the viewer might wish to take control of loading behaviour for annotations, and whether linking annotations should be rendered, and so on:

 <!-- The Canvas Panel Component -->
    <div is="canvas-panel-2" id="cp2" class="canvaspanel"></div>
        cp2 = document.getElementById("cp2");
        cp2.options = {
            "loadExternalAnnotations": true,
            "renderLinkingAnnotations": true,
            // ... many more options to follow

A linking annotation is the very simplest example of an annotation collaboration. So far, CP just passed the annotation body as an event argument, so the viewer code can take over - follow the link, load more IIIF, whatever. And in the earlier text content example, CP didn't know about the annotations at all, it wasn't responsible for rendering them: the viewer was, in an external text panel or component. It didn't even need to load them.

Let's combine these two approaches a little. If we let CP load annotations anyway, even if at first we'll render them ourselves externally, then CP has an internal model of all the annos that might be on the canvas, that it might need to produce some sort of visual representation of, depending on further user interaction.

As well as passing the annotation body in the linkClick event argument (some normalised P3/W3C JSON), we can also pass an object that represents CP's rendering (or potential rendering) of the annotation, for the viewer to control.

    function doSomethingWithLinkingAnno(e){
        // this is the raw annotation, it looks the JSON, but normalised

        // and this is an API into CP's rendering of that anno: = "..."; // is it just DOM element?

Is that second element just passing through the DOM element from the Web Component's shadow DOM, for us to influence? Or is it something else - instead of, or as well as, the bare DOM element? What other API do we need? It may not actually be a DOM element until we asked for it. If it's a linking annotation, CP will probably have made a DOM element to highlight it and be clicked on, but what about other forms of annotation? Single words or lines of transcription? They may not need DOM elements until we want to do something with them from outside.

Textual and other annotations

This brings us to the next requirement: Highlight the text on the canvas when I select it in the text panel.

In the original text example, I just built up the text by concatenating the text content of the annos to a string (my helpers method is very dumb):

    s += res.resource.chars + "<br/>\r";

But if instead my helpers.getTextForCanvasAsHtml(..) function built some more sophisticated HTML, that included an element corresponding to the text body of the annotation with some form of data-xxx identifier for the id of the annotation, then I have a means of interacting with CP's rendering of that annotation. My helper method loaded the external annotations to build the HTML text, but CP has also loaded the external annotations (because I told it to in the options). Now, we may have to come back and deal with (optimise) the fact that both my viewer and CP are loading the annotations, each for its own purposes. But the end result is that my viewer logic has built some complex HTML in its text panel (via a helper), and if a user interacts with that HTML they are interacting with DOM elements that record an annotation id. So, if a user starts selecting text in the text panel, they are selecting HTML elements that carry annotation identifiers.

Which means I can tell CP to highlight the annotations for those identifiers; it loaded the annos too and is storing an internal representation of them. This gives us our feature requirement. How CP does this is for later consideration (it may not need to create DOM elements up front, it just does that as they are highlighted).

This gives us a suggestion for our next requirement: Display text transcriptions overlaying the canvas, as an option.

If CP can highlight the annotation, then it can render that box with text in it. The way I would probably want to do this goes back to the tabs or drop down approach for dealing with all the linked annotations for the canvas in my viewer. My viewer may not know exactly what each tab's content represents (transcription, comments etc), although it can get clues from the motivations. But as a human user, I can see what these things are. I could recognise one of the tabs as the text content of the page. And I could click something that says "overlay". When I click this, my viewer code takes the id of the annotation collection that corresponds to that tab, and does one of two possible things:

  1. Constructs an HTML layer, like the one made from the call to the helper but scaled more precisely to its annotation targets so that it can sit on top of the CP representation (CP doesn't know about it).
  2. Tell CP to do this, so that CP can take care of the alignment, synchronising of zooming and so on.

That is, it makes sense for CP to have this ability, to render text content in place in its right target boxes. All we're really doing is turning on an annotation layer from the point of view of the viewer, we're controlling what of its content CP is showing at any one time. It's job is to show text content too.

So A CP requirement is that it renders text layers in place... not like the way Mirador 2 does it, as boxes with tooltips. That approach may be appropriate for commenting annotations, but not actual textual content (supplementing annos) that might be in the image itself. When a text layer is enabled in this way, CP supports text selection for copying and pasting. It also needs to offer enough style control (through CSS and/or options) to "knock back" the image so the text can be clearly seen. Perhaps there are various opacity levels that can be set to make this work.

And what about comments and other annotations? There may be many types of annotations in the various tabs of the viewer. Linking, transcriptions (supplementing), comments, some specialist annotations that came out of a crowdsourcing project. From this discussion we see that we want rendering control over these off the canvas, through helpers, in our viewer. But we also want to activate them for display, in Canvas Panel, either at the Annotation Collection level (turn on an entire layer) or at the individual annotation level (select some text, highlight a comment). Perhaps CP and the viewer are using the same helper library under the hood to do their respective bits, but they aren't necessarily aware of this. There are things the viewer wants to do with annotations, and things the viewer wants CP to do with annotations.

    // ... click something in the viewer's tab:
    cp2.showAnnotationCollection("", options);
    // ... click something in the viewer's tab:
    cp2.showAnnotationCollection("", options);

    // retrieve CP's model of an individual annotation
    let myAnno = cp2.annotations[""]; = "..."; 
    console.log(prettyPrint(myAnno.annotation)); // the JSON

In practice, a much richer API event model is exposed for CP to bubble up activity to the viewer. Actions such as:

The options passed to CP determine whether it loads and builds enough to track and fire all these events. This kind of model allows a viewer to offer sophisticated interactions.

Note - what is the relationship of CP and Annotation Studio? Annotation studio uses this CP too:

Multiple image annotations

We have the ability to control CP's rendering of linked annotations - transcriptions, comments etc. But we also need to cover the basics of painting annotations; the direct content of the canvas, linked through the canvas.items property.

We'll come back to non-image painting content later (AV). For now, I'll concentrate on images. But the same principles apply. There are two ways in which multiple images are typically applied to a canvas.

Firstly, simply by having more than one image. This could be the stitching together of different photographs of a dispersed work, or for any other content composition reason. The job of CP is very clear - it should show all the images, with a z-index implied by their serialisation order. If Image 2 comes after Image 1, and partly overlaps it, then it occludes it. CP does not need to offer any control of this process to the containing application, or for the containing application to offer user interface. The images are all asserted equally valid content of the canvas, and nothing favours any one of them? save by their ordering.

Mirador 2 calls multiple images "layers" and offers UI control of them. While this may be occasionally useful, it is not the intent of the spec, and should not be the intent of publishers. Manual control over image display is reserved for the second type, use of a Choice annotation.

Choice is for things like multispectral image stacks, or foldouts or flaps where there are two views of the same canvas. In this scenario, the viewer does need to present UI for the user to make that choice. This is the scenario that Mirador's layers UI is for, not the general content accumulation that it also gets triggered for.

What does this mean for the API of CP?

For the first type of content, consumers don't really need to know what's going on. If they are interested they can look at the annotations themselves. Otherwise, they can rely on CP to render multiple images correctly, each with their own tile sources when supplied. CP "just works".

For the second kind of content, CP can render the default behaviour, but then requires further instruction to show and hide the available choices. A viewer has to know what choices are available. My demo viewer didn't support this. But let's borrow Mirador's UI, which offers the available images in a tab, with preview. Mirador also offers opacity control, very useful for many image choice scenarios. So we're going to want to be able to drive the correct behaviour in CP for that kind of use.

We could get CP to fire an event when it detects that a Choice UI is required. Or we could just interrogate it.

    cp2.addEventListener("canvasReady", makeAnyAdditionalUI);

    function makeAnyAdditionalUI(e){
            // we have at least one annotation whose body is a Choice
            for (let choiceAnno of cp2.choices){
                // each choiceAnno may have many images.

In practice a viewer will maintain enough state, or bind the choice elements to UI, to track this visibility of the various possible images. When an image choice is made in the containing viewer, the choice can be communicated to CP:

    // two IDs are required - the content might be in use in more than one annotation 
    cp2.setChoiceVisibility(choiceAnnoId, contentId, options);

    // here options could include things like opacity, border highlights, etc.

General support for complex content association

Canvas Panel doesn't really need any particular API to implement all the other types of complex content association. These are the types described in Section 6 of the 2.1 specification, and will be described in the new Cookbook accompanying the Presentation 3.0 specification. Excpet where they are also part of a Choice content annotation, CP should jjst get on with rendering them.

Canvas Panel and Frameworks

While it's very likely that people will want to use frameworks like React and Vue.js to build viewers and tools with Canvas Panel, it is not itself opinionated about frameworks. It binds happily to any. It doesn't depend on any framework at all, it is completely self contained (though may require polyfills). That is, it isn't Reast under the hood pretending to be frameworkless - it's just web components, and additional libraries for content rendering.

This may make Canvas Panel a bit more fundamental than it could be, and make some development of its features take a bit longer than they otherwise might. But it's essential for general adoption that you can build viewers using it alone, and incorporating a variety of programming styles. You might call the style exhibited in my examples a a naive procedural style, which I migth want to abandon for a more modern reactive approach, or binding frameowrk approach as my requirements become more complex.

But it's important that I can use CP in this simple style, without a framework.

And it's important that React developers have a nice experience of it too.

And it's important that Vue.js developers have a nice experience too.

What about use of CP in a progressive enhanceent web application? What is its minimum viable rendering?

That's an interesting question. it may be that CP is inherently NOT present in the "first phase" of a progressively enhanced web application, it's only going to come in when bandwidth and JS support allow. But this depends on what you mean by progressive enhancement in the context of representation of digital objects. In this scenario, bandwidth usage and feature support are often diametrically opposed:

As a web component, CP could actually be a great help for both types of progressive enhancement. The CP implementation used in the earlier viewer example is tiny, a few dozen lines of JavaScript, and results in something that only loads static images (no deep zoom, no complex content interactions). As long as it manages its own loading of additional libraries, this approach could make it much easier to enforce progressive enhancement good practice (assuming you still support JavaScript).

CP doesn't need the functionality of OSD. It could load in a much more lightweight, IIIF-only tile source engine. And could use HTML5 for AV. A frameworkless, fully featured CP need not be huge. And it may be sharing some common libraries with other components and the parent viewer that's using them.

Next - dependency and interactions between CP, libraries and other components.

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